Is cross stitch easy?
Like with most new hobbies a lot of the time it can be intimidating to get started with learning a new skill such as cross stitch. But it isn't as scary and difficult as you might think to get started. Cross stitching itself takes only 10 -15 minutes to master the basic stitch that you will need to stitch up hundreds of different designs. Yep thats right only 10 -15 minutes! (I promise that I'm not exaggerating!) The bit that can be a bit tricky when cross stitching isn't actually the stitching itself but it's counting the stitches on your pattern as you go along. This can be especially tricky if you are following a larger pattern that spans accross several pages.

So here are some tips to help with counting stitches when cross stitching! 1) Use a pen and mark the stitches that you have done on your pattern as you go along. 2) Before you put your aida into the hoop fold it into quarters - this will help you to find the center of your fabric. Stitch your first stitch into the center of the aida. It's easier to then use that first stitch as a point of reference for your other stitches.
3) If possible try to stitch colour by colour. Instead of changing thread constantly to fill in a certain area. Stitching colour by colour helps to make it clearer where you are in your pattern! 4) Don't panic if you miss some stitches or you accidentally stitch the wrong colour. Mistakes are a part of the learning process and luckily they are easily rectified and you unpick your stitches!

If you follow those tips then you should find cross stitching easy peasy!
It's definitely worth spending those 10 - 15 minutes learning how to stitch because that will then be the key to being able to stitch ANYTHING! And there are loads of amazing patterns out there just waiting for you!
Maybe try a smaller project first such as this little 3inch kit! These can take just a few hours to stitch up and are a great way to build your confidence!
Happy stitching!
Becci x