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The Grateful Game

I've woken up this Friday morning feeling a bit dull and slightly grumpy...for no real reason other than the fact that I stayed up too late last night. It's at times like these that I call on the Grateful Game to get me motivated, stop the moaning, and make me appreciate what I have! Recharge that happiness! I thought I'd share it with you - in case your day is in need of a little pick me up too! It's really simple - you don't need anything to play except maybe a pen and paper (if you want to write it down to look at for later reference!) All you need to do is take 5 minutes out of your day to sit and think of five things that you are grateful for in your life currently - say them out loud and then spend a minute appreciating each one... Here are mine: 1) I am grateful for Mike (my partner) - because he is always so supportive. 2) I am grateful for my family - and to know that I can call them for help if I need to. 3) I am grateful for my friends (UK and accross the world!) - they are amazingly kind and support me, even if I can be a bit slow at staying in touch sometimes! 4) I am grateful that I am able to live in Brighton - the beach is lovely and the arts here are so varied and exciting! 5) I am grateful that I am able to chase this crazy dream of running my own business - because there is no other job that I would rather do. And thats it - simple! Feel a bit better?

There are some ways that you can extend the game - such as giving a reason why you are grateful for each thing that you have chosen, and also writing the list out and placing it somewhere so that you can reaffirm how awesome your life is to yourself later on in the day when you hit a slump. I don't know why this game works but it always seems to lift me up and make me appreciate how full my life really is. Even on any dark days - you can always find something to be grateful for however small. Hope this helps! Now to get back to designing packaging for our new product range in September! Eeek! Becci xox 1)


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